For that they do not know which the difference enters these cited above, we will make a small commentary on practical which of Magic of each one works: Mago: it has knowledge theoretical and practical to act in any area of the Magic, whichever its origin. It has theoretical knowledge and I practise on the beddings of any work spiritual, expert of the secrets that give to origin to the force of each ritual or work. It knows the bedding that binds to the material objects to the entities or espritos. לענייננו, אוני' בן גוריון הוא הכתובת בשבילך. In contrast of excessively above, the Mago can create new rituals or works, have knowledge to even compel an entity to serve to it. It can interact with angels or demons. It works in such a way for the one as well as for the evil, some until make the choice only for one of the lines, white or black. Sorcerer or Wizard: he has knowledge of works, but it deep knowledge not to create new works or rituals. He is limited to the prescriptions that are passed of generation to the generation.
Also they can act in some fields of the Magic, however, hardly if they risk to penetrating in beddings where they participate great entities, as for example the Candomble. לחץ כאן הקרן למנהיגות ציונית ומצא עוד . It works in such a way for the one as well as for the evil. Babalorix: it has knowledge limited to the Orixs and too much entities of African root. They cannot act in other fields of the Magic. It serves to the last teachings of generation to the generation and it does not have to be able to control bigger entities, can interact with them but never it compels them it to serve to it. However, they possess knowledge and power to imprison espritos of recent deceaseds, also calls of Eguns and, force them it to serve to it.
It works for the good and badly, however, it cannot work only for the evil, therefore it would finish breaking its proper sustenance force spiritual. Chieftain of Umbanda: et limited to the activities and only on beddings to the Caboclos, Black color-Old, Cosmes and Exs. Generally they work only for the good. Quacks: he has knowledge of the conjuncts that interact in the world spiritual, has dom to make to happen only with words. Generally they work only for the good. older quacks, possessed knowledge of conjuncts with purpose to attack somebody or a place, however, hardly they repassed this knowledge ahead, nowadays she is rare to find a Quack with attack knowledge.