Madame Bovary

One sees that the love of Pablo for Lcia was equal to the love of Lcia for it. The victory of the love is enhanced with great glories in the tram, alicerada of subliming, resigns, sacrifices and herosmo that they win although the social conventions. An example of the woman ' ' Amorosa' ' The romance in its intrigues and thematic it visualizes the search of the purest feeling to the point of wanting to approach Ana to give perpetuation in the land of the pure love of Lcia for Pablo. כדי להרחיב אופקים, כדאי לבקר באתר של הקרן למנהיגות ציונית. The profile of the women, as well as the profile of Literature in general, if transforms as the interests and the mutations suffered for the society. The romantic and angelicais young women of the Romantismo were esteretipo of what the bourgeoisie intended to be, but, nor always obtained. בעניני עסקים תמיד כדאי לפנות ל משרד הביטחון.

During the Realism the times were others. The bourgeois society already was established and appeared critical of it. The realists portraied in its personages a collective and not situations individual characteristics. Therefore, Gustave Flaubert, to the being questioned in its judgment for immorality, on who age Madame Bovary, gave the following reply: ' ' Madame Bovary I am eu' '. The history of Emma Bovary, protagonist of the Workmanship of Gustave Flaubert – Madame Bovary is a romance of the Sc. XIX. registered in a small locality of the interior of France. Emma is a woman who if married gotten passionate for Charles Bovary, but that wise person what she wanted, not starting to live in a world that same it desired, placing in a species of practical everything what she read in the romances throughout its life. This problematic one elapses in this descriptive language of the life pacata of Charles and the tumultuated life of adultery dreams and of Emma.