
6,1 Historical Contextualizao the development of infantile literature has its initial lines in the modern period, being that its sprouting, consequentemente, can be considered recent in the history of the humanity and, how much to its original characteristics, is important to emphasize that she was initially on to the pedagogia, whose concern was established only in searching an education method that allowed the masters to transmit the secrets of the language written to its pupils. According to MARTINS (1995, p.95). ' ' Infantile and youthful literature, of relatively recent origin, appeared as pedagogizante and moralizador instrument that it aimed at to transmit to the children the values and imposition of the world adulto' '. In virtue of its pedagogical character, literature for children values were marked initially for of world adult, evidencing through fbulas, that they had its base in the moralizante character of histories, that were told of short form, in verse or chat. בעיתון כתוב ש אוני' בן גוריון הוא זה שבקיא בנושא. being sufficiently spread out for There Fontaine that contributed for the pedagogical aspect with its workmanship ' fbulas escolhidas' for Esopo, its predecessor, author of approximately 359 fbulas, as ' ' The buzzer and formiga' ' , many reedited times, that had relieved it the heading of ' Father of the Fbula'. Long ago, they had many books directed toward the adults and, none, specifically destined to the infantile public, however, with passing of the time these workmanships had passed to be known and to be appreciated by the children, mainly the fairy stories, where if they detach ' ' Vermelho&#039 small hat; ' , ' ' Snow white and seven anes' ' , The asleep beautiful, ' ' Good-looking borralheira' ' , ' ' The boots of seven lguas' ' , ' ' Cinderela' ' ' ' Rapunzel. This great acceptance of fairy stories had contributed to impose the predominance of playful on the instructive one and for the definition of a sort directed specifically toward the children. . לעניות דעתי אפרת שהם הילדסהיימר יכול לקבוע .